
Monday, July 15, 2013

This is the right time

To write again.

A lot of things have happened in recent years. In recent years that I did not blog (blog as a verb, huh?). I became a full-time Production Designer for mainstream film and TV. I "lost"two love(r)s. I gained a lot of weight. And I turned thirty.

Turning 30 was the best and worst part.

I have had my ups and downs. Lately, mostly downs. I don't know why though. There are reasons, but not enough to make me feel sad day in and day out. But last Sunday midnight (yesterday, actually), something happened that gave me a reason to smile endlessly the whole day.

Feeling alive again, must be the feeling I had that Sunday morning. I felt alive. I go back to the instance where I felt good. I go back again and again. It's only been a day and a half since that morning, but the memory is starting to drift away. I can't wait to feel alive again. To feel again.

Thank you Sunday midnight for giving me a reason to smile. I keep telling myself to relish the moment over and over again. I occupy my mind with that memory. Thank you. I can't wait for another Sunday morning like that. I know you will come back. I promise to be there when you come back. Just promise me not to leave too soon.

Can midnights last for more than a few hours? If all midnights are like that, I'd prefer to live in the dark.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

It's the time of the year again

And I'm a year older again. Man, time flies.

This Christmas, I do not have a lot to ask for. But I have a lot to thank for.

I do not have a lot of words to say. Just thank you. Thank You!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Gin Blossoms Live in Manila Hang Over

Wave Bye Bye
No Chocolate Cake Album

Can you take a lot of pain
and make a little game
of the hell that you find
All the space you never gave
for a secret never safe
Get it out of your mind

The past beyond my sight
Ahead in blinding light
that reflects in your eye
The choices that you make
All the memories and mistakes
I only think about it sometimes

This is the last time I'll ever say
I love you
This is the last night
I fall among these graves
The first and last time that I'll
cry and walk beneath a dark
lonely sky and wave bye-bye
Bye bye

I could take the bitter cold
and wrap around your soul
In the light of your lie
All the things we'll never be
They were right in front of me
I can ever deny

A piece you never sold
You only feel a little cold
and slightly undone
The harder part of facing doubt
standing up and climbing out
the deepest hole you've ever dug

This is the last time I'll ever say
I love you
This is the last night
I fall among these graves
The first and last time that I'll
cry and walk beneath a dark
lonely sky and wave bye-bye
Bye bye

A piece you never sold
You only feel a little cold
and grown so tired
to want and never grow
In delusion of control
the hardest part is
getting old


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Goodbye 107.5 NU Rock

My FB status earlier:

Less than a dozen hours left for NU Rock.

NU's been like my older sister. 23 years of NU. 23 years of having a damn cool sister. Goodbye NU. We'll miss you.
8 hours ago

Sad it had to end. Why?! :((

I'm currently watching via live access. Huhuhu.

And now I'm chatting with a friend, relieving about our memories of NU Rock. And our radio days :(

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Where is Akilla Pug?

I miss the little menace, Akilla. When is she coming home to me?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Will. Read. A. Book.

I've been looking for a book by Jack Henry Abbott since I've read about Norman Mailer in Wikipedia. You see, I don't read books much. But I read a random article in Wikipedia every now and then. I browse different websites here and there. I stare at my travel website everyday. Those are the things that my eyes do.

So I realized, when I was in college, I would read the news paper every morning. Watch the news every night. And on summer breaks, I would read ALL the school paper that I've collected over the past academic year. I love re-reading beautiful articles. I used to read paperback novels. Mommy and Ate have collections of all sorts of novels. Sometimes, they'd realize that they recently bought the same book, so there'd be two of the same title in our bookshelves. I've never been fond of reading what they read.

But they taught me to be fond of reading paperbacks. I have a collection of Choose Your Own Adventure books. Mommy would buy me one copy every trip to the bookstore. Ate had a couple of Sweet Valley High and Sweet Valley University books when she was a teenager but I never touched any of them. I had random books in my shelf. Mommy would buy me any book that I get from the store. These books I used to make her buy, I only bought because of the pretty cover. I remember a book I got when I was not yet a teenager -- Murder in the Limelight. I have not read it until today. But the cover is purple so it caught my eyes, and the title seemed interesting too.

Last Saturday, at midnight, my batchmates went to my place to continue the night from 9 Mile Bar. Someone opened up the Harry Potter topic and it lasted for half an hour or so. There's so little that I remember about the last HP book that I read. I stopped reading Book 3 because my sister's copy was heavy, hard bound and there's just too many pages! Not everyone in our group has read the book, nor seen the movie, so there were mixed reviews. Still, I know that I would not find the time to read Book 6 and 7. Last night, my housemates said we should watch the movie. But I was already out, on my way to Tara (may she rest in peace).

The last book I started to read was Tuesdays with Morrie. And did not even finish page 20. I've always meant to read my Armand book but I think I've already misplaced it. I don't have a big book case in the apartment to put all my books, like what we had in my parents' house -- my mom has her own book case in her room which only contains a few authors, but with complete titles. Mommy would read new books and then give them away, or pile them somewhere else, apart from her favorite authors. My sister has a book case upstairs in our corridor, but she took most of her books with her when she got married. What's left in the book case are some of my books, and dust. Those books, that belonged to me are mostly about the Biology, Geography, Dinosaurs and text books. I really don't want to get rid of them. And now they look stupid in a book case that's taller than me!

Now according to Wikipedia, here are the books with Claims of at least 1 billion copies sold:

Book ↓ Author(s) ↓ Original language ↓ First published ↓ Approximate sales ↓
Bible [1](Koine Greek τὰ Βίβλια) Traditional Christian view: Revelation or Inspiration by God[2] to various authors Hebrew, Koine Greek, Aramaic 70 BC- 105 AD, 2.5 billion[3] to more than 6 billion[4]
毛主席语录 (Quotations from Chairman Mao) (the Little Red Book) Quotations from Mao Zedong; collected by the PLA Daily of the People's Liberation Army and signed by Lin Biao Chinese
& 50 languages
1964 800 million[5] to 6.5 billion; note, however, that of the 6.5 billion copies printed and shipped, maybe only a third were actually bought, and the rest are on stock in stores or factories worldwide[6]

We have a bible at home but I've only read a few random pages of it, and yes, I have a red book of Chairman Mao, but I'm not sure if this is the one in this list.

I could have the two best selling books of all time and I've not read any them completely. So maybe later, I will read a book.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Where Can I Buy Time?

Not that I have more money than I have time. But I think I'm more willing to spare some cash to buy time.

It's a Sunday afternoon, and it's raining. My favorite combination. Then I've the whole house to myself. I did not go home to Caloocan this weekend because I wanted to spend some time for myself, which I think I did.

I slept until lunch yesterday, updated the Ananda Kanani Accessories header, sorted out pics, uploaded pics to my computer, had a long bath, and worked out at night. Yes, finally. I was able to use my after-workout slippers after a real work out.

Today I woke up at around 11 AM, and thought to myself. I have to be productive today. Maybe post something to my website, upload photos to multiply, watch a movie, or read a book. I need to do something productive. Something that would make me feel accomplished.

Housemates wanted me to go watch a play (that I've already seen) in CCP, tonight. And a friend was asking me to go to eat out in Makati. I would have gone to either, only that CCP and Makati are far, and it's raining here.

So I had lunch with the housemates. Then grabbed my laptop from my room and sat my butt on the couch. I was able to post one article in my website. Just one. Later, maybe I can post some more. And I am sorting out my inbox too. Too much facebook updates.

Then I said I'd watch a movie. I think there are about a thousand movies in this house and I haven't even seen a quarter of it. Or maybe I'll just watch The Big Bang theory. Or How I Met Your Mother. Oh right, I don't have the copy yet.

Which reminded me, to finish reading something. I feel like I'm running out of time and I've to finish it soon enough. I've probably caused delays.

Now I'm blogging here, thinking of what to do next -- reading a book is out of the question because I would never finish a book in one sitting and I could not find my Armand book here. It's probably in the office.

So anyway, I'll check out the movies here at home and try to watch. Or try to watch while posting an article in my website or watch while trying to post an article in my website. Or whatever. Damn, so much to do, so little time. Or so much I wanna do, so little time I have.

I want to buy time, please.

After 20 minutes, I've already checked a friend's multiply photos (she said "go to photos, not to inbox") and turned on Jamboy's PC. So that's an accomplishment, right? Now I'm ready to watch a movie. Then bike later.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ang Pag-ibig na Wagas ay ang Pag-ibig na Hindi Makakamit

March 24, 2009

4:05 PM

A dear friend’s body was found this morning, void of life.

This body had a name, Vincent Jan Rubio, VJ to dear friends. He was editor of the Philippine Collegian or Kule, for the Kultura Section, where we collaborated to write the feature story about my then student organization, The UP Repertory Company, more popularly known as UP Rep. We did that when I was in second year college. I gave him a write up in bullet form containing everything I wanted to say about my org. I should’ve written the article myself and pass it as a contribution, he jokingly said to me when I gave him the floppy disk and print out of the write up, that he read immediately. He even asked me to take the exam for Kultura writers in the prestigious university school paper. I thought it was only between the two of us, and he was only joking, when Dada Nartea one day told me that the Kultura exam was nearing.

For a moment there, I believed that I could actually write, and well at that, because VJ saw a potential in me.

I never took that exam because I never had the guts, and because I knew I wasn't good enough for the part. But the article we collaborated on got published with a huge photo in a spread in the Kultura Section. My name never got mentioned though, it’s not allowed to mention names, said the editor. But VJ still thanked my org for it. And we continued to be friends even after college.

VJ and I would see each other in school events, in malls, even in bars. The first time after college was two years later, in Freedom bar. We promised ourselves to contact each other for upcoming events, or just to chill. But never did. We recently got in contact again after we saw each other in Conspiracy Bar. I was with a friend then when I heard someone yelled my name and turned to see his smile, as if saying “malandi ka, bakit ka nandito?” I was with my lesbian friends then but joined VJ’s table. Our chitchat lasted for more than an hour, my friends even said “nanlalalaki ka”. VJ’s famous line that night was “Ang pag-ibig na wagas, ay ang pag-ibig na hindi makakamit”, while doing his Sto. Ninyong Gala accent.

We promised to go to Matilda’s gig at Freedom bar one time after Conspiracy. I went to the gig to be true to my word. But he never came. I texted him and he said he’s currently busy with work and promise to make it up to me.

About a month ago, I saw Xavier Gravides in Cubao X. I could not believe that he was much slimmer so I called him from a distance, and asked him about his diet secrets. He told me his secret, and that VJ was with him that night. A few minutes later, VJ came to my table. We had a small talk, about the highlights or our lives between that moment and the last time we saw each other. And other things that were not as important to our lives, but were worth talking about just the same. He said we should go out sometimes so he could make up for not coming to our meeting at Freedom Bar. I said, he should go to one of my band’s gigs. He said, with force “sige, basta itetext mo ako!” but I was never able to text him.

This morning, a lot of my friends’ status in Facebook was “Justice for VJ Rubio”, and I did not have a clue. There was even a link to one of VJ’s blogs that I clicked and read. It was an article 4 years ago, about death. Still, I was clueless. I asked a couple of friends in Facebook about what happened when Al Rio, an officemate and a former Collegian artist, rushed to me and said “Roma, alam mo na nangyari kay VJ?” Silence. “Namatay daw!” Silence.

I contacted friends from Kule to get details. His closest friends, Caloy and X were out of reach. Kat Macapagal answered her phone. I asked “Kat, anong nangyari kay VJ?” She was explaining that VJ’s car was found somewhere in Sumulong, and his body was not there. But this morning, his body was seen at a distance from his car. I asked again “anong nangyari?” She seemed to have gasped for breath, then said “Sure na, na-identify na. Patay na, mads”. Silence.

Suddenly, everything was in slow motion, and my knees weakened. I could not believe it. I suddenly felt that there’s something lacking. VJ’s faces flashed to me – drunk, sober, happy, serious, dead.

Of course, something’s lacking. We never got to go out. But more importantly, someone so nice, so intelligent, so beautiful and so dear passed away. Unbelievable. I even thought, what could this be, a murder, a robbery resulting to homicide, a crime of passion, a hate crime? What a waste!

For a moment there, I believed that I was not really living my life. And anytime life would be gone, and unexpectedly at that.

A dear friend’s body was found this morning, void of life.

This body had a name, Vincent Jan Rubio, VJ to dear friends.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Francis M. passed away Today :(

Rapper, actor and TV host Francis Magalona, diagnosed with leukemia last year, died Friday at the Medical City hospital. He was 44.

He battled cancer for almost eight months before finally passing away.

Last August, Magalona informed the noontime show "Eat Bulaga" via text message that he was suffering from leukemia.

The rapper even requested for blood donations to replace the blood he was using at the Medical City hospital in Ortigas Avenue where he was being treated.

"I have been diagnosed with leukemia and I am preparing for my treatment. Sa tulong ng Panginoon, kakayanin ko po ito," he said. "Abangan nyo ang aking pagbabalik. 'Di ko lang kayo 'miss'... LOVE KO kayong lahat."

Magalona was a regular host of the noon time show "Eat Bulaga."

The 44-year-old Magalona was the son of 1950's legendary actors and celebrity couple Pancho Magalona and Tita Duran.

Launched as a teen star in the 1980s, Magalona's career boomed with his hit rap song "Mga Kababayan," which was included in his album "Yo!" released in 1990.

He was also the voice behind the hits "Ito ang Gusto Ko," "Meron Akong Ano," "Mga Praning," and "Kaleidoscope World."

Francis M left behind his wife Pia Arroyo and eight children--Unna, Nicolo, Francis Jr., Isabella, Elmo, Arkin, Clara, and actress Maxene Magalona.

from: ABS CBN News

Got the news from a text message from a friend. I did not believe her at first and searched the internet for reference. I am really saddened by this news because I am a fan of Francis M., and last year at Pecha Kucha, I was not able to brave myself enough to have my picture taken with him while he was there. And now he is gone. :(

Friday, February 6, 2009

I Need to Read a Book

I don't read books much. Because I don't need to look for lines to quote.


The first time I met her, she was holding a book, talking to friends. Then she slumped on the chair and started reading. She opened the book where her fingers marked it. Then flipped it. Flipped it a couple of pages forward! I knew she was just looking for intelligible lines to quote.


Some are just so pretty, so well read, the perfect girl, a social deb...but they don't really know much.


I only quote lines that really matter to me, those that I will remember until I die. Some people quote lines because they ain't got nothin'. To say.


Every time you quote a smart line from a book, or a song, you come across


That's what I call "pretencious".

Oh, I spelled it incorrectly? Well, I told you, I don't read much.

learn. live. hippie. gypsy. 60's. mod. native. world. music. crafts. performing arts. theatre. visual arts. bands. djembe. culture. literature. travel. activism. nature. trees. beach. vegetarian. red. yellow. green. earth. water. fire.
peace. love. rock and

word • text • writing • statement • anecdote • yarn • literature • narrative • thoughts • article • chronicle • copy • entry • story • history • fiction • expression • declaration • legend • tale • rumor • humor • lies • truth
• altum viditur