
Sunday, July 29, 2007

Yes, these walls did talk

(Note: to see the photos, click on linked text :) )

On November 2005, I was visiting my friend Amrei's office when they have decided to repaint and do a make over project to the office. One day, near the end of the month, I walked into the office's living room-like waiting area with drawings on the wall. Two huge figures of what seemed to be Amrei, and Teks' (an officemate) caricatures. Amrei's caricature had its arms over her head, no shirt with X marks on the nipples. Teks' caricature was sitting on a toilet bowl, with stretched arms and wearing only polka-dotted panties, with the words "future rockstah". There were small drawings of other people. Their officemates - Dwight, the admin officer, answering a telephone call, and Bernard, the messenger/utility, holding a plastic of pancit with the bubble "Naku, Ma'am" There were drawings of some of their friends too - June, Tek's then girlfriend, a tutor, in front of a blackboard. Aileen, Amrei's ex-gilfriend, with her new boyfriend, in front of their car. And me, the frequent visitor. I was wearing a sleeveless top with a star on the middle. I was smoking, with humongous sunglasses and arm bangles. With a bubble that said a lot. Haha.

The office repainting was scheduled a few days after that first set of vandalism. Dec 03, 2005 to be exact. But it was postponed and postponed again for different reasons. So everyone who went to the office would be 'asked' to write something on the wall.

I was formally hired by the company on January 02, 2006, and I wrote "Lugao, Tokwa" as I was then a vegetarian and there was a nearby Lugawan in the office for a midnight food trip. Teks draw a scoreboard somewhere on top with "Vital Tunggels" scoring high, since now, officially, we have outnumbered the boys in the company where there were only five regular employees of two boys, and now, three lesbians.

Someone wrote "Cherifur is bad!" because she apparently did not become taller drinking Cherifer but instead, gained weight. Someone wrote "Jay Manalo was here!" -- a Balikbayan friend who watched Feng Shui for a dose of the current Philippine Cinema. My friend Mei wrote "Karl hart Mei". Mei is the manager of Sand Lady (formerly Slow Dive) who was then with Karl, the guitarist.

Eduardo Roy, or Edong to many, a filmmaker-friend, wrote "Ang Pinakamahabang Short Film" as mockery of his short film "Ang Pinakamahabang One Night Stand" while editing this film in the office. Manix Abrera, a long-time friend, was asked by the company to do the illustrations for a client's activity book, drew his famous punk character in his Kikomachine comics strip saying "Asteeg!"

Some of our orgmates drew funny caricatures and wrote funny one-liners like "Bakit may gloves si Bugs Bunny", or "Ipaghihiganti ko si Erik ~ Vina Morales", after Erik Morales lost to his match with Manny Pacquiao. Then after Mo Twister's controversial interview with Borgy Manotoc, someone added "♥ Borgy Manotoc" after Vina's name.

On September 2006, Teks and June broke up. June wrote so many heart-felt excerpts from her poems to the wall. Most of these, most probably, were things that she couldn't tell Teks directly. But the walls did became a concrete medium to voice out such love notes.

You see, there was so much fun, memories, and history written all over these walls. They were un-edited, honest and spur of the moment thoughts. Some drawings and words were really naughty and not for the faint of heart. They were relaxing, releasing and liberating, They were real, strong and hard-hitting. Everyone enjoyed writing to our accidental freedom wall. I mean, you can't easily find a wall to write on, right? A freedom wall to its truest sense.

Then yesterday, one year and eight months later than planned, the walls were finally painted with fresh, warm colors. Colors that suddenly covered the sensored drawings. Beautiful hues that hid the sadness and painful truths.

Though prepared, I was in awe when I walked in to room 201. I even chose the colors green and yellow for the walls. But I was still so surprised to see these really pretty new walls. There was even a dramatic red floor light going on. I sat on the couch and looked at the wall. It was empty, but pretty. Nothing like a freshly painted wall in yellow. Then suddenly, inch by inch, I traced the drawings that were once there. The words that touched. The funny lines that comforted. I was a bit saddened, but then again, I thought, this is a start of a new history. Of (literally) brighter days. I saw something so pretty, so clean, innocent. I saw fresh. This is anew.

We couldn't allow walk-in clients before for the walls were untidy. But now we can. And if these walls did talk, maybe now, it will not. But it will exude interesting vibes. We are a creative agency. And now, with this big move to finally erase our naughty nature, I can say that we are ready to be more competitive. We are ready to move on, and we have matured.

Maybe years from now, the wall will again be a big canvass for our creative and naughty stints. But for now, the wall will just be beautiful, and clean, and all grown up. Goobye writings on the wall, until next time.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

the small stapler

Last night at 8pm, we dropped by at National Bookstore Quezon Avenue to buy a small stapler. Just a small stapler.

Of course you can't be in a bookstore and not check out the other 'supplies'.

So we ended up buying a cutting mat, an 18x24 white board, its eraser and marker, a roll of kraft paper, nylon strings, a brown and a green pen, and Entrepreneur magazine, and oh, that small stapler, which, as I had planned to buy, should be in black color. But since the store is already closing, I did not have time to look for the black stapler, so I got the common red stapler.

Our total bill amounted to Php 1,110.50, where, the stapler -- our primary 'to buy' supply -- is only Php 37.75. A lot of random and compulsive buying, but a lot of fun too!

Hoorah for the small stapler!

Monday, July 23, 2007

What Kind of Girl Am I?

Today, I'm wearing green. And I used my vintage bag. Not a purse.

What Your Green Outfit Means

Having a unique style of dress is quite important to you.
You're a bit of an oddball, but you're also very friendly.
No worries - people find your eccentricities charming!

Designer match: Diane Von Furstenberg

Signature accessory: A vintage purse

I know I'm abnormal, did not know just how much.

You Are 20% Abnormal

You are at low risk for being a psychopath. It is unlikely that you have no soul.

You are at low risk for having a borderline personality. It is unlikely that you are a chaotic mess.

You are at low risk for having a narcissistic personality. It is unlikely that you are in love with your own reflection.

You are at low risk for having a social phobia. It is unlikely that you feel most comfortable in your mom's basement.

You are at medium risk for obsessive compulsive disorder. It is somewhat likely that you are addicted to hand sanitizer.

My 'Brain Lateralization Test Results'

Out of boredom and curiousity, Itook this quiz. Again, another quiz.

Brain Lateralization Test Results

Right Brain |||||||||||| 50%
Left Brain |||||||||||| 50%

Left brain dominant individuals are more orderly, literal, articulate, and to the point. They are good at understanding directions and anything that is explicit and logical. They can have trouble comprehending emotions and abstract concepts, they can feel lost when things are not clear, doubting anything that is not stated and proven.

Right brain dominant individuals are more visual and intuitive. They are better at summarizing multiple points, picking up on what's not said, visualizing things, and making things up. They can lack attention to detail, directness, organization, and the ability to explain their ideas verbally, leaving them unable to communicate effectively.

Overall you appear to have fairly Equal Hemispheres


According to Darwinian theory, optimal evolution takes place with random variation and selective retention. The evolution savvy individual will try many different approaches when faced with a problem and select the best of those approaches. Many historical intellectuals have confessed their advantage was simply considering/exploring/trying more approaches than others. The left brain dominant type suffers from limited approaches, narrow-mindedness. The right brain dominant type suffers from too many approaches, scatterbrained. To maintain balanced hemispheres, you need to exercise both variability and selection. Just as a company will have more chance of finding a great candidate by increasing their applicant pool, an individual who considers a wider set of options is more likely to make quality decisions.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

follow up on that quiz

I searched for other L Word-related quizzes in quizilla - where I took that quiz. And this time I took this one and I suddenly became Jenny. Hehe. Interesting. But most questions are give aways. And I don't like the way this quiz projects Shane. How rude. You'll see.

Took this twice, same result.

I was hoping I was Alice. Haha.

Which L Word Character are you?

Shane - You're fun and exciting; but a little distant. You never get too connected wherever you go; but you are able to let your friends know that they are important to you without tying yourself down. Truth is you're afraid to get too attached because when it comes to love who knows what will happen; don't be so afraid. Other than that everythings cool; you do things your own way and encourage people to do things their own way too.
Take this quiz!

Quizilla |

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Sunday, July 1, 2007

Addicted to Blog

There was a time that just coudn't get enough of the internet. Of surfing. Of the YM. And of blogging.

I believe it was around June 2005 when my friend Starsi taught me about blogging. Initially, my reaction was "what blogging?!" Haha. Anyway, he kinda briefed me that blogging is like an online journal, and if you know some HTML, you could actually personalize your blog, like an own website, etc., etc. And since I (used to) love writing as I aspired to be part of the prestigious Kule, I thought, well yeah, why not?

Aside from my Kule frustration (though I never got to take an exam anyway, because I heard that it was really hard passing it), I was into theatre, I had a band, I did hostings for concerts and events, and I was a gig maniac (counterpart of a party animal - only that I didn't party, I went to musical performances), I did a lot of artsy things, went to a lot of places, etcetera, so there was one helluva lot of things to write about. Also, at that time, I was a fresh grad bumming around, so I had a lot of time to write.

A techno idiot that I was (and still am, I think) Starsi guided me, through YM (yes, just like a tech support) on where and how to create a blog account, and some basic HTML to get me started.

You can choose a layout from the defaults.
How? Where?
You can change the background if you like.
You can change the color of the fonts, the title, the header, etc., etc.
And oh, Starsi, what's a photo host?

I forgot how my friends knew about my blog, or how I knew about theirs (maybe we knew because 2005 was a time when 'blogging' was 'hot'), but little by little, we would talk about how to persobalize blogs. Though I still don't know until now what CSS means, I was able to edit my 'CSS' setting and was able to create my first ever blog account at

I kinda worked hard to make a seamless background, I thought up of categories to use to make a multiple account. Since blogdrive did or still does not have a more user-friendly sidebar, I had to manually input the links, text and recent post titles to make my ex-blog 'interactive'. Sometimes I would be up all night blogging.

As you can see on the lower part of the side bar, I was able to report my gig hopping almost every week, though there were still a lot of gigs that I was not even able to mention. Also, as you can see on the June 2005 archives, a lot of titles are purely creative writing. Until I lost my time on October 2005 and then I was gone. I came back on October 2006, a whole long year after, only to report that I was stranded in Bacolod.

I will tell you next time why I was gone.

Anyway, on October 2005, I lost my time. On October 2006, I lost my wit. And still losing it. Today, I lost my thoughts. Haha.

I want to write about a lot of things but I can't. Probably because now, I have a job (which I also mentioned in another entry), or because I am slowly becoming dumb and dumber by the day. Or maybe because my work actually requires a lot of brain cells, and taking up much space in my mind that I can't seem to focus on writing something creative.

But I still want to 'blog'.

There are times when I would sit in front of the PC and start writing, but something would come up that better needed my attention. Or I would start writing and stop. Because I did not like the way I was going with my article. Or I would want to write, but I had no time. Or I was busy. Or I would want to write, but I was at home and my home PC's busted. So I would list up all the things that I would write about, then forgot about them. Or I would want to write but I couldn't. I just couldn't.

Now, I am saving up (well, just trying) for a laptop, and hopefully, when I finally get a laptop, I will be able to write when I want to, when I need to, and when I thought of something good to write about. No delays. No worries. Then I will be able to hone my (little) writing skill again, because practice makes better.

Here's a list of things that I have always thought of writing about (and posting pictures of):
- my quantum experience + shopping day
- my dreadlocks
- my new sandals, headset and shades
- Lolita
- the Bicol experience
- the Camsur Watersports Complex fun
- the other travels - Boracay, Bacolod, Pagudpod, Dagupan, Baguio etc
- Panagbenga Festival 2007
- Family Baguio trip 2007
- and a whole lot more.

Don't you worry, altum viditur, you will be back! With a better workstation (a laptop!) and a better focus. I will not run out of things to blog and so I will blog more and I will blog wisely! (please read previous line as if giving a ra-ra speech!)

Now that I'm saying all these things, I might as well face it, I'm addicted to blog.


learn. live. hippie. gypsy. 60's. mod. native. world. music. crafts. performing arts. theatre. visual arts. bands. djembe. culture. literature. travel. activism. nature. trees. beach. vegetarian. red. yellow. green. earth. water. fire.
peace. love. rock and

word • text • writing • statement • anecdote • yarn • literature • narrative • thoughts • article • chronicle • copy • entry • story • history • fiction • expression • declaration • legend • tale • rumor • humor • lies • truth
• altum viditur